About Us

Canbean Associates Inc. is an international consulting group working in the areas of Project Development and Evaluation, across several sectors and at the intersection of disciplines.

Based in Toronto, Canada, our team comprises of professionals who have lived and worked internationally. We are culturally diverse, multinational and multidisciplinary. Our range of training and experience allows us to consider all factors affecting sustainable human development, to design practical and viable projects. Additionally, our use of evaluation to guide decision-making is a result of having worked first-hand and extensively in the field, on international development programming and project implementation.

Expertise and experience at Canbean spans the entire range of social and economic development planning and project implementation. We have worked on projects in the areas of education, social work, tourism, environment, health care, transportation, ICT and agriculture. We understand the administrative processes and structures, as well as the challenges and opportunities for the delivery of these services, projects and programmes to the public. We are environmentalists, urban planners, sociologists, psychologists, geomatics experts, biologists, engineers, architects, journalists, educators, and economists. As a team, we are cognizant of the relationships between the natural world, built environment for human habitat and the institutions and human resources to maintain and regulate these systems and investments. In this regard, our work—primarily in the Public, Civil Society and Non-Governmental Sectors—has a principal aim of assisting development and social programmes to meet human development targets in communities, cities and at national levels . We are of the view that in as much as the world is diverse, human aspirations are fundamentally the same: the desire for community and peace, good health, friendships and family, and to have the mental space to express life through the arts. These are the issues which motivate us to do what we do; to ensure safe and wholesome places where we can live and enjoy.